What you should know about calligraphy before you hold writing brush.【The region of writing brush】

Hi, I am "Teto".

This is Japanese calligraphy course that enables anyone to learn to write beautiful Japanese characters!
In this article, I will explain the "region of writing brush".

Have you ever written with writing brush before?

Writing with writing brush is very difficult.
But I love calligraphy because it is so much fun!

I want to share this joy with everyone, so I will teach you some calligraphy tips.

You may be thinking, "I don't really care about the region of writing brush."

However, if you understand "the region of writing brush you should be aware of when moving the brush," your calligraphy will improve dramatically.

This is a very important basis, so please try to learn it.

There are three points:
『穂先(brush tip)』,『腹(belly: the middle of the brush hair)』,and『筆管(brush stem)』.

【The region of writing brush】

穂先(brush tip)

The tip of writing brush hair is called "穂先(ほさき:hosaki)".
If you can understand the movement of the tip of the brush by feel, you are an expert!

For example, when you write the kanji "一" (one), where does brush tip go?
Also, in the third stroke of hiragana "あ" , how does brush tip move?

Therefore, you should stop moving the brush without thinking about it.
The answer to the above question is explained on Youtube, so please refer to that as well.

Click here to see how to write horizontal strokes.(3:53~)
Detailed explanation of the movement of brush tip about third stroke of "あ".

If you understand the correct movement of brush tip, you will be able to move writing brush as you wish.
It is also very important to make lines beautifully tightened as if they have power, and to write beautiful "はね"(hane) and "はらい"(harai)" strokes.

Also, I heard that the brush tip is an important place to express the elasticity of writing brush hairs.
I have not yet mastered it at my level .
But, I am sure it is an important place for everyone from beginners to masters of calligraphy.

(belly: the middle of the brush hair)

The middle part of the brush's hair is called the "belly".

If you can distinguish between "brush tip" and "belly", you will be able to control the brush more freely.
I hope you will be aware of this.

筆管(brush stem)

Finally, the tube of the brush is called "brush stem".
When you move the brush, do you twist your wrist or fingers to turn brush stem?
(It is bad way)

The basic rule is to keep brush stem as upright as possible (perpendicular to the paper) and not to tilt or turn it too much.

To achieve this, it is important to use the whole arm to carry the brush in a flexible manner.


It is very important to keep in mind the regions of writing brush and points to be aware of when writing with the brush.

In my Youtube commentary videos, I show you characters written on iPad, so I cannot show you the brush in motion.

However, I am trying to explain the movement of brush tip visually and carefully, so I think it will give you an idea of calligraphy methods.

If you want to learn more detailed and accurate calligraphy, please visit calligraphy class.

Thank you.

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